Access to Technology Sourcing

Enjoy a direct line to the products and services you need.

We offer thousands of products without the big box store upcharge - because we give you a direct line to the manufacturers.

When you partner with INFRASI for your technology needs, you'll find that more access at less cost is our goal. We believe a technology solutions provider should provide valuable, affordable resources to clients - not just a product with a price. 

Empower your team and make more informed decisions with direct access to manufacturers and the products you need. 

What Access Means

Product Oversight

When you need a solution, you should have affordable options to choose from. With thousands of solutions from manufacturers in our own database, we offer a wealth of options to fit the need - not one-size-fits-all products at exorbitant costs. We'll work together to source the products you want - and keep you informed from the time you order to the time your products are delivered. 

A liaison for your needs

We're not designed to offer solutions that will line our pockets. Access to our suite of manufacturer-sourced products means you'll have a partner that will guide you option available, provide you with insight and communication channels to the manufacturers, and work with suppliers for custom solutions you won't get from big box stores.

Less "not knowing"

Ever considered whether you were really getting the best bulk price for a product, or if service delays were really as long as vendors said they were? Sourcing products directly through INFRASI means you'll always have the information you need to make the best decisions for your organization - and won't have to deal with run-arounds and excuses from big box stores that want to make a buck. 

Let's start a conversation.